Where Can You Drop Off Unneeded Clothing in Dallas, TX?

Clothing Drop Off Dallas TX

Recently, you may have noticed an abundance of clothing drop-off boxes cropping up on roadsides and in parking lots throughout the Dallas, Texas, area. If you’re ready to get rid of some clothes you no longer need, you might be tempted to just deposit them in one of those convenient bins you drive by every day and be done with it. But maybe you’re wondering who will receive the items you donate and how will they be used.

You’d probably prefer that the clothing you drop off will end up in the hands of someone who truly needs it, rather than someone who will simply sell it to a consignment store or textile recycler and then pocket the profits. Unfortunately, the latter is often the case with a clothing drop-off box of questionable ownership that is set up under the guise of charity.

Donate to “KST” With Confidence

The best way to ensure that your donation will benefit a worthy cause is to drop off your clothing at a Value Thrift department store, which accepts donations on behalf of Kidney Services of Texas (“KST”). At “KST”, we’re proud to work hand in hand with many kidney patient service organizations () in support of a vital mission: to provide critical financial assistance to kidney patients in need. You can be assured that all of the clothing and other items you drop off with “KST” will be used to generate funding for this important initiative.

If you would like to make a charitable donation and feel confident about how it will be used, bypass the for-profit clothing drop-off bins and take your donation to any Value World thrift department store during the store’s regular business hours. You can also request a free, tax-deductible* pickup at your home in Dallas, TX, by contacting “KST” or completing our online form. On behalf of and millions of Americans who are affected by kidney disease, we sincerely thank you.

*To the fullest extent allowed by law.