Duncanville, Texas

Making It Easier Than Ever for Duncanville, TX, Residents to Donate Household Items

Do you have extra items at home that seem to be serving no purpose other than simply taking up space? If so, there’s no time like the present to clear out that clutter and give to a good cause while you’re at it with a little help from Kidney Services of Texas. We make it easier than ever for residents ...

Convenient Clothing Donation Pickup Services in Duncanville, TX

Do you have extra items of clothing at your Duncanville, Texas, home that are doing nothing but taking up space? If so, you aren’t alone—but thankfully Kidney Services of Texas has a solution. Our clothing donation pickup services make clearing out your closet as easy as possible, and it even helps you support a good cause while you’re at it. ...

Wondering Where to Donate Clothes in Duncanville, TX? You’ve Come to the Right Place

If you have a collection of clothes that are ready to move on to a new home, but you don’t know where to start, Kidney Services of Texas ("KST") is here to help. With our convenient donation services, we provide an easy way to clear out your clutter while giving to a good cause. There are many ways you can ...

Donate Your Unneeded Gifts to a Deserving Charity in Duncanville, TX

Like many people, you may have received one or more gifts that missed the mark this past holiday season. Don’t feel bad. It happens. For example, sizing is hard to get right. Perhaps you received a perfectly lovely article of clothing that just doesn’t fit. Or maybe you got a duplicate of a highly useful household item that you already ...