Would You Like to Give Away Used Clothes in Grand Prairie, TX?

Give Away Used Clothes Grand Prairie TX

Are you ready to clean out your closet and revamp your wardrobe? Like most people, you probably have a lot of clothing that you don’t wear anymore, and you might be wondering what to do with it. Did you know you can give away used clothes and support a good cause at the same time? That’s exactly what you’ll be doing if you make a tax-deductible* clothing donation to Kidney Services of Texas (“KST”) in Grand Prairie, Texas. Here’s how:

You Will Help People in Need

Even though you don’t want your old clothes any more, it’s highly likely that someone else will. When you give away used clothes instead of simply throwing them out, your garments can potentially reach people who need and want them. “KST” uses the clothing donations it receives to sustain the critical mission of many kidney patient service organizations (), the nation’s leading charitable organization dedicated to fighting kidney disease and helping people lead healthier lives.

You Will Help the Environment

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it costs an average of $45 per ton to dispose of waste in a landfill. What’s more, after being added to a landfill, clothing gradually breaks down, releasing toxic greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the environment. Lastly, a significant amount of water is needed to create textiles for new clothing, and the production process accounts for 10% of all carbon emissions on the planet. If you give away used clothes for reuse, you can help reduce all of these negative effects.

You Will Help Yourself

When you give away used clothes, you can clean up the clutter in your home. Not only is clutter annoying to look at, but it can also elicit a range of negative emotions. You might feel stressed out by the chaos and disorganization, guilty about not wearing so much of what you own, or confused about your own personal style. When you let go of excess clothing, you can reap the benefits of a more minimalist lifestyle.

Donate to “KST” Today

works on behalf of the 37 million Americans living with kidney disease, and the millions more at risk, with an unmatched scope of programs that support people wherever they are in their fight against kidney disease, from prevention through transplant. If you’d like to help, contact “KST” or complete our online form to request a free pickup at your home in the Grand Prairie, TX, area. Or, drop off your donation at a Value World thrift department store during its regular business hours.

*To the fullest extent allowed by law.